Design and manufacture an engaging outdoor game that is produced using sustainable methods and materials, and is reasonably priced for student affordability.​​​​​​​

Ema Imbrasaité

Vortex 61 is an outdoor installation that can be enjoyed by all in a park or similar setting. The primary structure is constructed of concrete and allows for 1 to 4 players. The game features sixty-one holes and the objective is to resist natural forces (gravity). The highest score is achieved by landing in the outer rings, while progressively lower points are earned as one approaches the inner holes. It is important to avoid ending up in the center of the vortex to achieve success in the game. 

Mockup testing

Prototype testing

To bring this project to fruition, we will reach out to the organizers of the planned Cuba Concrete Park (Oslo). As an alternative, we believe that the most effective way to realize the game would be to establish it as a nomadic interactive art project, which would be relocated to a new location annually.​​​​​​​.

Fusion 360
Milling Cutter 
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