MATCHUP Ketchup & Mustard

How can we design and manufacture two industrial condiment bottles for use in public eating places that are cost-effective to produce and have a consistent visual language?​​​​​​​

Andrea Skovdahl 
Håvard Marthinsen Moseng 
Simon Archer Dreyer

Solid Works
Ultimaker 3D Printer 
Extrusion blow molding machine​​​​​​​

Sequence analysis
User interviews and user tests
Form experimentation with clay
Extrusion blow molding 
We took a look at the entire journey that these bottles usually take and observed practical problems such as spills around the lid, content stuck to the bottom, and impractical grips.
Our industrial bottles are intended for use on tables in restaurants, diners, and cafes. The aim was to create two bottles that have a natural interplay. By making the ketchup bottle taller and more sleek than the mustard bottle, we decided to play on established conventions. To achieve the most cost-effective and straightforward construction, we aimed for a minimalistic and balanced appearance. Both bottles feature an indent on each side, but they are placed at different angles and locations on the main form to create a connection and contrast between the two.
Through questionnaires, we gained insight into how people associate specific forms with taste..

An extract from a user questionnaire

Associations by test objects

To begin, we conducted an overview of the conventions and stereotypes that currently exist within the realm of condiment bottles. This allowed us to understand the current framework and identify areas where we could break free from established norms. Our analysis revealed that it is easy to distinguish different brands of ketchup and mustard based on the silhouettes of their bottles alone. 
Through the collection of associations from users and the examination of stereotypes, we identified the contrasts of convex/concave, round/square, and tall/low as key design elements to consider.

Studying archetypes

The use of an extrusion blow molding machine also imposed practical limitations on the shapes of the bottles.

The process of Extrusion blow molding

A render caricature

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