Man & moon
An interactive sculpture concept

Study project
Solid works

In this brief, the main focus was on constructing an interactive sculpture concept that involves an intriguing interplay between two volumes of contrasting character. 

Drawing inspiration from organic forms and natural shapes and patterns found in nature, the design features a symmetrical interplay between two forms based on a massive tetrahedron (man) and an ellipsoid (moon). 

The resulting design reflects a symbolic power relationship between the two forms.

The design allows for the two figures to be connected in two different ways, resulting in distinct expressions of form.
When man is on top of moon a connection to the ground is created, making it appear as if man is melting onto moon, which stands steadfastly on the ground. 

Conversely, when moon is positioned above man, the entire body of moon is revealed, while it seems to dominate the head of man. The negative space created under man makes the constellation appear less heavy. Nevertheless, it appears that man is unable to ascend or fully take off due to the weight of moon which keeps it firmly grounded.   
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