The habitual consumer
Norwegian food systems

To discover what parts of the Norwegian Food Systems that can and should be changed. And to propose interventions to address those parts in order to shift the system from a linear, vulnerable and extractive model to one that is circular, resilient and regenerative.


Simon Archer Dreyer 
Jonas Noer Fjetland
Mathilde Nissen
OOut of three domains of the food value chain in Norway, namely production, supply chain and consumption, our focus was on consumption. 

Our final timeline of Interventions implemented between 2022 and 2042


The world continues to face both social and ecological challenges, both globally and locally. These challenges are embedded in complex problematic contexts. 
This SOD course was going on for seven weeks and gave us an insight to the tools and methods for us to work in teams to both make sense of the complex problematic contexts and also propose where and how to intervene to improve the problematic contexts. 
This has enhanced my ability as a designer to understand what the design brief should be if you are to really address a problem or reach a desired outcome with a concept. 

During the course we conducted several interviews with relevant stakeholders within the foodindustries including Geitmyra food culture center, the Nibio research institute and the Oda delivery company, which provided valuable insights for our work.

A significant portion of the course also focused on learning how to use gigamapping and ZIP analysis effectively and efficiently. This included working with depictions of desirable and undesirable futures and using various tools to identify interconnections and potential synergies, with a focus on considering the larger system. 
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