urban soundscapes

How can a service deepen our understanding of the en- vironment and enhance the connection of citizens to urban spaces?


Trine Truchs Erga

O is a platform that promotes the exploration and manipulation of sounds from various soundscapes within local and unfamiliar environments for individuals living in urban areas.

The three main functions of the app are as follow: 

Recording; Calls for active listening in order to cultivate heightened focus.
Soundmap;The city will be depicted in color at locations where sounds have been recorded or unlocked
by other users. These sounds will
be linked to their corresponding geolocations.
Sounds; Provides opportunities for further exploration and manipulation of collected sounds within various contexts.

Prototype - Walk through


Archive; Provides access to tracks composed by experimental artists, using sounds from diverse sound- scapes.
Map; Allows users to track sound trends by displaying all sounds collected through the O app on a map. The soundscape of the city can be explored by scrolling through the timeline to hear sounds recorded at different times of day.

The process of this project included a series of user interviews and work- shops.

Through comprehensive work on brand strategy, blueprint schemes, user journey, value curve, positioning map, and visual identity, we were able to deepen our understanding
of “O” as both a brand and a service that provides experiential value.
Promo video

Underneath is a rough draft for a concept promo video
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